JIS S45C Round Steel

JIS S45C Round Steel

JIS S45C round steel is a common carbon engineering steel which is used for machine structural purposes. It can be rolled or forged and can be flame or induction hardened.

It has poor through hardening capability but can be successfully flame or induction hardened, this results in surface hardnesses of Rc 54 – Rc 60 depending upon quenching medium employed and section size.

Tensile Strength

The tensile strength of steel round bar is the maximum stress it can bear before rupture. It is determined by a test conducted on the material. The lower the tensile strength, the weaker the material. This is an important consideration when deciding whether to use it in your application.

This material has good machinability, weldability and strength properties in either the black hot rolled or normalized condition. It does not however respond satisfactorily to nitriding due to a lack of suitable alloying elements.

AISI 1045 mild steel is often used in applications that require higher strength and wear resistance than low carbon steels. It is a medium tensile engineering steel that can be hardened by quenching and tempering treatment to achieve high mechanical properties. This material is often used to manufacture gears, shafts, axles, crankshafts, keys and studs. It is also known as JC45 or DIN CK45. It can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes including square bars, rounds and flats. carbon steel This steel grade is a popular choice for shafts studs and keys because of its good mechanical properties. The tensile strength of this material is 686 MPa. It has a Brinell hardness of 170 – 210. It is also easy to work and machine and can be forged, turned and ground. It is a cost effective option for your manufacturing needs.

Brinell Hardness

The Brinell hardness is an important measurement used to assess the strength and durability of various materials. The test can identify irregularities, weaknesses, or defects in materials that may negatively impact the performance of the end product. The hardness test is widely used in education, especially in engineering and metallurgy courses. It is also an integral tool for assessing the quality of materials, equipment, and procedures.

To conduct a Brinell hardness test, a hardened steel ball with a known diameter is forced into the surface of the test material under a specific load and for a certain amount of time. The indentation caused by the force is measured using a Brinell indenter. The test results are then recorded and reported according to the specified standards. The test is highly accurate and can be performed with little or no damage to the test specimen.

The results of a Brinell hardness test can be used to predict the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of a sample. The test can also be converted to a Rockwell hardness number using Meyer’s index or law. However, it should be noted that the correlation between a Brinell hardness and an ultimate tensile strength is limited to a small range of impression sizes. For more information about how to interpret a Brinell hardness result, contact the manufacturer of your test equipment.


JIS S45C round steel is a medium carbon steel material for machine structural use stipulated by the Japanese standard. It is easy to work with and has good machinability and weldability. It also has great impact resistance and good tensile strength. This is why it is widely used in various mechanical parts such as shafts, bolts and forged connecting rods.

The microstructure of S45C is mainly martensite with some ferrite. It can be cold rolled and hot rolled. The rolling process is the most common method for steel production. The rolling method uses a pair of rollers to reduce the diameter and increase the length of the material. This process makes the metal more ductile, allowing it to be easily formed and welded.

A study of the hardness properties and microstructure of S45C was conducted. The results showed that the annealing and shot peening treatment were effective in increasing the hardness value of this medium-carbon steel. The annealing and shot peening treatments also improved the tensile strength, toughness and elastic modulus of S45C.

The study examined the hardness values and microstructures of S45C bar deformed steel bar specimens once and three times repeated induction heated and once tempered. The results show that the hardness value increases with repeated induction heating, while the brinell hardness decreases. The ferrite ratio increased with the depth from the surface, and a mixture of pearlite and bainite was observed at the hard, transition and soft core areas.

Heat Treatment

Since the carbon content of S45C is relatively high, it can be hardened by general heat treatments such as normalizing and annealing. This allows for good machinability and weldability, making it a great choice for mechanical parts. However, it cannot be through-hardened like alloy steels such as SS400. When a higher level of surface durability is required, it can be hardened using flame or induction quenching.

Shot peening is another common method for increasing the surface hardness of S45C, but it can only increase the hardness by a limited extent. It is also prone to corrosion, which requires anti-corrosion treatment.

S45C is used for mechanical parts that require moderate strength and hardness, such as gears. This is because it has reasonable machinability and weldability, but not too strong or brittle. Its moderate levels of strength and hardness mean that it can be shaped into different shapes without compromising its integrity. It can also be protected from rust by electroplating and painting. It is also a common choice for a variety of machine tool components, such as shafts and gears. It is a durable material that can stand up to a lot of use, but it’s important to understand the limitations of this metal when choosing it for an application. You should take into account the intended use, cost, and secondary operations when determining which type of material to choose for your project.